Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hammers and High Heels

I recently discovered a fantastic blog that Carla and her husband Alex have documenting occurences in their life. Whether it be trips, home renovations, DIY decors. It's fantastic! When you have a moment check it out -

Monday, April 27, 2009

Peer Pressure

Here is the beggining to my blogging. It obviously has to begin somewhere. I got sucked it. Couldn't help it. Mind you, I don't get sucked into things easily, never became a Facebook phene (thank goodness). This blogging idea you can thank one of my bestest buddies in the world. He's smart when it comes to anything. Genius i tell ya. Artist, Genius all rolled up into one. Nonetheless, i'm sure i'll have more to write about tonight or tomorrow.. Watch me get trapped in this spiderweb!